First Semester Notes & Question papers
[ B. Sc. (Hons) Agriculture]
AGRO 111 - Fundamentals of Agronomy-I
AGRO 112 - Introductory Agro-meteorology and Climate
AHDS 111 - Livestock Pro. & Management
EXTN 111 - Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology
HORT 111 - Fundamentals of Horticulture
SSAC 111 - Fundamentals of Soil Science
MIBO 111 - Introductory Microbiology
HVE 111 - Human Values & Ethics
DEG 111 - Democracy, Elections & Good Governance
AGH 111 - Agricultural Heritage
BIO 111 - Introductory biology
MATH 111 - Elementary Mathematics
LANG 111 - Comprehension & Comm. Skills in English
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